国(境)外文教专家系列讲座一百五十九:Dr. Nathan Kenny - The freshwater sponge Ephydatia muelleri: a multifaceted tool for tracing genome evolution across the Metazoa
发布人:刘岳  发布时间:2022-05-11   动态浏览次数:194

一、主讲人介绍:Dr. Nathan Kenny

Dr. Nathan Kenny currently works as a lecturer at University of Otago in New Zealand. He obtained his PhD degree in Zoology from Oxford University in 2014. Following that, he continued his research work in Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Natural History Museum in London and Oxford Brookes University. His current research focus is the molecular origins of resilience to the effects of climate change in the green-lipped mussel, Perna canaliculus. He has worked on a range of questions at the intersection of comparative genomics, phylogenetics and evolutionary developmental biology. He uses genomic sequencing, single cell approaches (scRNA and scATACseq), and a range of bioinformatic and embryological assays to understand how species diversify, develop and adapt to extreme environmental conditions.


讲座主题:The freshwater sponge Ephydatia muelleri: a multifaceted tool for tracing genome evolution across the Metazoa


Zoom会议号:952 3655 1090会议密码:539488


讲座摘要:Genomes of non-bilaterians are vital for understanding the evolution of animal multicellularity and the origin of the first metazoan-specific cell types. E. muelleri is a widespread, highly practical model system, possesses a metazoan-typical genome architecture, highly shared synteny with chordates, and representative levels of DNA methylation. Its well-assembled genome and ready utility as a model allows testing of hypotheses about gene duplication and adaptation to novel conditions, as well as providing a firm anchor for exploring the genomic evolution of animal life.



