第二十五讲:儿童文学批评概念的演进(1990-2015) |
发布人:系统管理员 发布时间:2015-03-23 动态浏览次数:465 |
报告人:约翰·斯蒂芬 教授 时间:2015年3月23日 上午10点 地点:文学与新闻传播学院学术报告厅
报告人简介: 澳大利亚麦考利大学教授,从事儿童文学教学和研究30年,研究兴趣还涉及文学、电影、文化研究等领域。他曾任国际儿童文学研究学会主席,是西方儿童文学研究领域中的一流权威学者,对于世界儿童文学的交流和推广贡献卓著,在欧美、亚洲多国举办过学术讲座。 Global Vision Lecture
Topic: Current International Studies in Children’s Literature Lecturer: John Stephens Time: 10am--. March 23, 2015. Venue: Lecture Hall of School of Literature and Journalism Brief Introduction to the Lecturer: As a professor of Macquarie University of Australia, John Stephens has been teaching and researching in the field of children’s literature for 30 years and his research subjects cover literature, film, cultural study and so on. He was once the president of International Research Society of Children’s Literature (IRSCL). Being one of the leading authoritative scholars in the field of Western children’s literature, he has given a lot of lectures in European, American and Asian countries and made great contributions to the communication and promotion of children’s literature in the world. |