发布人:卢瑶  发布时间:2019-03-07   动态浏览次数:1788

2019 Spring and Yearlong U.S. Fulbright Guest Lecture Topics


1. Alasdair Bowie

Chinese Host:  Sichuan University

Home Institution: The George Washington University, Washington DC

Field: Political Science/International Studies

Grant Term: August 2018 - July 2019

Email Address: abowie@gwu.edu


American Policy Approaches to Immigrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Contemporary Challenges and Responses

Higher Education in the U.S.: life and learning on four distinctly different kinds of American university/college campus

Southeast Asian Political Institutions: contemporary Indonesia, Vietnam and Myanmar in comparative perspective

Vietnam’s Manufacturing Miracle: how administrative and economic reforms are contributing to (and hindering) Vietnam’s economic transformation

South Asian Foreign Relations: approaching 75 years of independent partnership and contestation

Higher Education in Australia and New Zealand: the role and experience of international students on university campuses in Australasia




2. Jeff Bremer

Chinese Host Institution: Northeast Normal State University
Home Institution: Iowa State University    
Term: February 2019 – July 2019

Fields: American History

Email: jrbremer@iastate.edu

James Madison and Donald Trump Walk Into a Bar: A Brief History of the American Constitution

A Short History of American Capitalism: From Hamilton to the 21st Century

A History of Iowa: The American Experience in a Midwestern State

The Conquest of the American West From Thomas Jefferson to Sitting Bull

American Slavery from 1492 to 1865



3. Jacob R. Hickman

Chinese Host Institution: Yunnan University
Home Institution: Brigham Young University   
Term: September 2018 – July 2019

Fields: Anthropology and Psychology, Miao/Hmong studies

Email: jhickman@byu.edu


Ancestral Pasts, Ancestral Futures: Migrations of Souls and Bodies Across the Hmong/Miao Diaspora

Moral Development across the Life Course

The Hmong/Miao Diaspora: Religion and Cultural Change Across Three Continents

Morality, Reality, and Finality: Apocalyptic Movements in America, Europe, and Asia

A (M)oral History of The Ancient Hmong Kingdom: Ritual, Writing Systems, and Narrative

The Art of Being Governed: Managing the Soul of a General and the Rituals of Aspirational Statecraft



4. Evelyn Hsieh Donroe, M.D., Ph.D

Chinese Host Institution: Peking Union Medical College Hospital
Home Institution: Yale University
Term: September 2018-June 2019

Field: Medicine and Public Health

Email: evhsieh99@yahoo.com


A. Osteoporosis among Patients with HIV: Mechanisms, Epidemiology and Prevention

B. Osteoporosis: A Primer

C. Getting Published: Pearls for Preparing a Scientific Manuscript

D. Women’s Health & Global Non-Communicable Diseases

E. Vitamin D: Continued Controversy and Interest

F. Graduate Medical Education in the United States




5. Marcus Farr

Chinese Host Institution:  Tianjin University

Home Institution: American University of Sharjah

Field: Architecture

Grant Term: February 2019 to July 2019

Email Address: marcusfarr@mac.com 


A. Architecture & Urbanism of Dubai: Past & Present 

B. Teaching Comprehensive Architecture & Building Technology: Education & Examples

C. Architectural Practice & Education in the U.S. and Dubai: Past & Present

D. Vernacular Desert Architecture: Past & Present 

E. Sustainability in the Desert:  Dubai 2020  

F. Teaching Digital Design and Fabrication in Architecture: Past & Present




6. Lawrence H. Gerstein

Chinese Host Institution:  Southwest Minzu University

Home Institution: Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana

Field: Psychology/Peace and Conflict Studies

Grant Term: January 2019 to June 2019

Email Address: lgerstein@bsu.edu

Conducting valid cross-cultural research, counseling, and training

Preventing and resolving conflicts peacefully

Emotion recognition and event related potential

Solution focused counseling

Culturally relevant prevention strategies

Sport for social change and youth development

Cross-cultural and multicultural psychology and counseling



7. QI, Li

Home University: Agnes Scott College

Host University: China Agriculture University

Research Field: Behavioral Economics and Finance

Project Title: Teaching and Applying Experimental and Behavioral Economics to Improve

Healthcare Quality in Rural China

Email Address: qili26@yahoo.com


A. The Development of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

B. Culture, Risk Preference, and Economic Decision Making

C. Psychology and Finance: Behavioral and Experimental Finance

D. The Socio-Economic and Education Determinants of Crime: a Study of Chinese Inmates

E. Trust and Other Pro-social Preferences in China




8. Nicholas Brasovan

Chinese Host Institution: Jinan University (Guangzhou)
Home Institution: University of Central Arkansas
Term: September 2018 – July 2019

Fields: Philosophy

Email: nbrasovan@uca.edu


A. Confucian Management Philosophy 

B. Confucian Environmental Philosophy

B. American Environmental Philosophy 

D. Introduction to Greek Philosophy 

E. Modernity in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant

F. Experience and Experimentalism in American Pragmatism


9. Christopher K. Tong

Chinese Host: Nanjing University
Home Institution: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Field: Comparative Literature
Grant Term: September 2018 to July 2019
Email Address: christopherktong@gmail.com


A. Thinking Nature across Cultures

B. Dialectic of Natural Beauty
C. Discussing Environmental Issues through Ecocinema
D. The Question of China’s Sustainability in Environmental History

E. Ecoambiguity and Chinese Environmental History




10. Elizabeth Roth

Chinese Host Institution: South China Normal University

Home Institution: Oklahoma State University

Field: Visual Art

Grant Term: February 2019 to July 2019

Email Address: liz.roth@okstate.edu


A. Geology and Art: How Scientific Research Informs the Visual
B. Consumption and Conflict: Contemporary Landscape Painting and Current Environmental Issues
C. Intimate Insights: The Artist’s Sketchbook and the Visual Development of Ideas

D. Artists’ Residencies: Being Present Where you Are
E. Depicting National Parks and American Ideas about Wilderness


Professional Practices Topics:

• Artist Residencies: how to find them, and how to get them

• Proposal Writing for Artists: How to write proposals for grants, residencies, and graduate  school

• Time Management for artists: Organize your time for artistic success



11. Yan Ruth Xia

Chinese Host Institution: East China Normal University

Home Institution: University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Field: Child, Youth and Family Studies

Grant Term: September 2018 to July 2019

Email Address: rxia2@unl.edu

A. Parenting adolescents: How to grow with your child

B. Build strong Chinese families and marriages as a way to cope with stress and crisis, and address emotional and behavioral issues

C. Dating among adolescence: Helping adolescents develop healthy relationships.

D. What skills do young people need to succeed in life and work (general audience); research-supported positive youth development program design and evaluation (policy makers, researcher and family and community outreach people)

E. Client-professional relationship: An underappreciated key factor in prevention and intervention success

All topics can be tailored to address targeted audience.




12. Emily T. Yeh

Chinese host:  Xinan Jiaotong University

Home Institution: University of Colorado Boulder

Field: Human Geography

Grant term: September 2018-June 2019

Email address: emily.yeh@colorado.edu


A. The anthropocene viewed from the Tibetan Plateau

B. Going West and Going Out: Discourses, migrants and models in China’s development

C. Environmentalism on the Tibetan Plateau

D. Vulnerability to and knowledge of climate change among Tibetan pastoralists

E. Remotely transnational: Mobility, border citizenship and the making of place in the Limi Valley, Nepal


